| Made this back in April, so i'm dropping the result here for everyone to try. Pretty simple concept but I have some …
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| Concept | Build a colony in Space on Asteroids
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| Took a break from building a RPG to build an RTS
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| If you have experience with the byondexe client, could you provide some helpful tips? I have no interest in the …
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| We're all cleared folks, so we've published the campaign. Ending on March 2nd, it's gonna be February journey …
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| RPG, not MMO and a Spirit Age Kickstarter seems like an actual thing.
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| Is local game hosting still plagued with router problems? I'd like to be able to facilitate a smooth co-op environment …
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| Minigame | A small game I made for my mother
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| After a 10 day delay from the given date we're finally here, some bugs took longer than expected and the normal day to …
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| Spirit Age opens on Sunday, March 10, 2013! getallexcited
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| So the engine is almost done, I have a few things I need to fix but those should be pretty simple fixes. I uploaded a …
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| This This This Also! Apparently this is a thing? Chuckle, it's one of the current works in progress.
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| So, first off, my apologies for disappearing, it has been quite a while so I figure quite a few people are annoyed with …
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| So yes, open-testing is around the corner.
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| Is that open testing coming around a corner? Damn.
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| I landed in Jamaica yesterday and got back to work promptly to try and make up for the week I had not really been …
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| I've been enjoying wind a lot, so i'm sharing it :]
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| For the last two or more weeks i've been pretty bummed by the savefiles that seemed to do nothing except produce …
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| Update: We are well into our final stages, right now we are working on some basic clothing items (since everyone felt …
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| A challenge faced with making single player games is the integrity of the save files that when using dream maker we are …
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| Spirit Age's rigorous beta release is coming up. We will be testing our young game against the great folks of BYOND.
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| The first stage of the test will be a showcase of some of the systems in Spirit Age, you'll be able to see some of the …
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| Special thank yous to those who helped me test this.
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| Follow the BYOND test hub, and the facebook page of Zane and I's new game rpg Spirit Age.
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| An amazing action adventure game in a fantasy world on mystical islands
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| You membership re-newer you
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| This is just a little view into Spirit Age. Tell us what you think.
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| Haven't really done much programming lately but this was something that had me a bit confused, the …
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| Test out a sample of "Armored Units"
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| Honestly, i'm not sure if this actually already possible. But i've looked at client.eye and I haven't seen anything …
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| I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen, but I certainly hope its not. Lets work with two turfs Y and Z. Y is a …
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Apr 9 2013, 10:46 am