Press "Arena"
There truly is not much to do, however i'd just like to people to look at it and give any possible suggestion! Just download and give it a run. My greatest hope is that BYOND can actually run this on a hosted server as smoothly as it does when played locally.
Controls are as follows:
Arrow keys - Main movement
ASWD keys - Secondary movement (aiming)
TAB key - Enter/exit vehicle
SPACE key - Fire weapon (if available)
I've excluded the actual "Armored Units" lol... It's not done yet and it's the icing on this game's cake we'll show that off in a hosted test :)
Three more exams and then this game and others will get my full attention :) an RPG and various other small games :D
* I know the walls aren't dense.
* I know the layering isn't done.
* I know nothing blows up or gets damaged.