
Joined: Oct 24 2005

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Darn, 2005? really? feels like Yesterday (jk jk)

Medals Chri93 can earn in his favorite games

[Any games] [Earned medals]

Bleach: Life and Death 2

Subsitute Shinigami

Congratz on getting Substitute Shinigami race!

Congratz on getting Berserker race!

Congratz on getting Protector race!

Gratz on getting Boost#1!
Shunpo Master

You are truly a master of the Shunpo!
Doll Master

Mastery Of Doll!
Full Protector

You have all now to protect closest to you!
Final Arm

You have gotten the last type of the Mighty Arms!

Pokemon Race Against Time

First Place

Win the tourny in first place

Trophy 1st

Win the Pokemon League in first place

Trophy 2nd

Win the Pokemon League in second place

Trophy 3rd

Win the Pokemon League in third place