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| So this little [expletive deleted] found a legal loophole and wishes for unlimited wishes... and in the process is …
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| Some little greedy Leukemia patient requests 'unlimited wishes' and bankrupts Make-A-Wish in the process.
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| Alright, if you've browsed the forums you more than likely have seen people asking for help with 'jutsu'. For the game …
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| Would it be possible at anytime in the future for an addition that allowed user defined keywords? Or maybe even …
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| The book I'm studying from says the answer is 45. And I'm solving it like so: x/120 * 3/5 = 5x/360 360/5 = 72 120 - 72 …
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| I have a friend who says his main computer just reboots after the OS is attempting to boot up, and he has tried Safe …
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| I am a bit self-conscious about my own code being ugly, and inefficient. So, I am reaching out on a few design …
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| Well, otherday I rebooted. And to my suprise, my screen seemed a bit bigger. Now, sometimes when I click a link, the …
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| mob var aura myAura aura parent_type=/obj var r g b on New(mob/M) var/icon/I=new('Auras.dmi') var/obj/I2=new …
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| I was thinking, and perhaps members can edit their forum signature. Perhaps something like: LOL PBAGS ROOL GOTZ ANY1 …
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| I have problems removing my hud, a strip always stays in the bottom so I made this... mob/proc/Del_hud() …
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| Anyone here play Gunz? I do, and im a semi-expert. Name: Cheetoz3 Level: 24 Abilities( These aren't weapons, they take …
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| If anyone else is intrested i'll post how to do it. Edit: Dont mind the stuff in the DS window I was testing some …
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| Perhaps you can set a list of keys that are allowed to each project which can be edited, then ounce the other person …
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| As I post this message I have 15 minutes left until my mother gets home, well she had found out I had been betting …
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| I've just picked up Madden 2006 and upon playing it all of the "cheese","money plays" players who used those tactics …
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| If you have Fire Fox as a web browser, and hold ctrl and have a rolling button on your mouse you can zoom in to pixels …
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| ...I think ive started a big BYOND chain, I started at 10, my brother (Slick Ant) started at 5 and is obsessed with …
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| Dragonball Evolution current pre-alpha testing is to release on the 30th, so far it features only one race "Saiyan" and …
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| My new router i got 2 days ago is saying this whenever I set it up, but at first we had it working can anyone …
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| Took me about 5 minutes to set up, we had it working and good but it cut off after 10 minutes and began saying "Little …
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| This guy is saying his Zeta rip is NOT in his login and his players are believing it, think about it he has Zeta Icons, …
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