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| If Johnson is the only black guy in the company of whites, it's his job to die right before the final victory. This is …
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| Watch what happens when you find more on tv that you like than you thought you'd find. Due to several strange …
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| This post comes to you from a real-life friend of mine, who sadly won't let me install Byond to do my dirty work. So …
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| Well, my old broken pc is choking again, so I'm abandoning this anti-rip project. FOR NOW, anyway. Also means I won't …
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| XD Well either way, I'm amused to see that happen.
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| I will say that games cause violence. Daytona USA causes people to like Nascar when they normally wouldn't. Power …
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| I have to agree with Flame Sage and Cinnom with regard to Pokemon. It started as an RPG, not as an Anime. I wouldn't …
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| Quicktime 7 says it requires Windows 2000/XP or higher to run. Since I only have Windows 98, the Acheron video can stay …
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| I'm not certain if the game started as an original or as a rip, but check out Dragonball: Heroes United. Strai made the …
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| I've flipped through a few of her books but haven't yet bothered to read through one. Guess I'll have to make this book …
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| Squeegy wrote: > This is fucking sad. Half of those games are rips. NC: There's been talk that Stego started with a …
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| DarknyssFlamez wrote: > you acully put belach unknown shinigami in anti rip guild, its sinji king king of rips, the …
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| This will be good for business for HyperBYOND, with basically a free trial for the winners. I hope that everyone …
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| XD wait, wait... lemme pull myself together... never mind. XD!
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| If the shelf says Linux, WHAT'S WITH ALL THE VISTA?? I'm a growing un-fan of Windows, but can't decide if I should use …
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| The feminism theory is invalid, since no one should be forced to do things 'the normal way' when they have a biological …
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| For the guild to appear on someone's hub, I would have to rank them in my Favorites list. The only way to have this …
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| Today's rips! A rip of Way of the Shinobi: Naruto Kyuubis Awakening, by Sasukex5 A rip of Birth of the Legendary …
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| I like how the stones in the pass aren't just a single icon multiple times. Do the same with the mountainside. You …
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| I added two rips to the list, so now it's pretty much underway. I'm learning a little html all over again just for …
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| If you're hosting within Dream Seeker, you could always add them to your ban list in the Pager.
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| I've been revisiting alot of the old games I used to play so much of on Byond, hoping to recapture the magic of those …
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| I could really use some update notes or a guide for the new version then, I'm old :(
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| I am considering getting my own forum to use for various groups and topics. An example would be clans in a game. I've …
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