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| You think you had it rough, my mom beat me with a hockey stick once until I was black, red, and blue. I was only six …
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| Lookie at my squid, peeps.
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| So much hype about a african-american becoming a president, but he is pretty hip person :)
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| I'll do it. Key: Chaseellison
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| YOU SUCK BIG ONES,. ~ Your mom
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| LOL. Send it here: Sendspace.com Then send me the link over email.
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| Amazing, take this somewhere else...
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| Kakashi os a great programmer, But right now hes far to busy hes learning java script and C++.
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| I'''ve been playing byond for a while now......I dont think ill win. But ill just join for RANDOMNESS! It …
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| Snow Thrush <----- My Porno name.
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