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| Welcome to Byond Whos line is it anyway! TIME FOR A *Buzzer* Wtf?
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| Yea, my Update server never loads
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| What Religion is that? Timeism? Glad i dont have any Ls or Is in my name :P Edit: Well crap, i do >>
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| Dear god, my Pawn is talking to me!! Sup?
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| Aww, now i cant Attack a small modern town with 40 million cavemen :(
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| Goku: If you have 20 times my PL, and I have 5min, how long will it take for farmer John to collide with a train …
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| Dude, not everyone talks like that. I myself Blame Hip-hop and all that new age shit. No, i will not get down, Stop …
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| One of my favorate ways to go, and also seems to be the less painful way. Lock yourself in the bathroom and Cut your …
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| Must... resist... Anti-Hero...Urge...
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| What the FUCK? "ts the 12 variations for twinkle twinkle little star." DEAR GOD! FLEE! ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!
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| Reminds me of lemings >:)
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| Meh... Kirby game is supst to pwnage... i wouldent know... i tricked my mom into buying me a psp AND 100$ worth of psp …
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| I wanted to join that but it was closed... but that was like a year ago... anyone know what happend to Retromud?
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