Carlos Oliviera

Joined: Mar 22 2012

Carlos Oliviera's Favorite Games

by HeroSlender | Jun 18 2014
Tags: demo
by Enigmaster2002 | Aug 21 2003
Tags: building, chat, icons
by Mitz001 | Mar 15 2014
Tags: adventure, anime, pvp, rpg
PSW is a real-time Pokemon battle sim and features the most up-to-date roster you can play on the platform!
by Richy221 | Oct 14 2008
Tags: fangame
Team up with others and take on partners for teamwork in this fast paced zombie killing spree gauranteed to satisfy that ...
Guns, explosives, classes and killing zombies!

Carlos Oliviera's Favorite Resources

by Darker Emerald | Aug 21 2007
Tags: target
A gun demo for you byonders who want to add weapons to your games. Now has auto-aim feature...

Carlos Oliviera's Favorite People