
Joined: Sep 13 2008

Start the game! The whistle blows!


Dec 22 2024, 4:49 pm
Still alive, folks. Still working on Solar Apocalypse and a couple sister-projects. Just gonna take time, is all. But it'll be grouse when it's done!
Jan 30 2024, 9:39 am
Yay thanks Vegeta ssjj2 for the membership!!!
Jan 16 2024, 6:25 am
HhhuuurrrrrrrrrDuuuurrrrr nnngGGGHHHHHHngghh
Jan 7 2024, 3:17 am
Makes me sad when I think about all the projects I deleted because they "werent good enough" LOL when it would be nice now to play them just because they're my legacy... I destroyed my legacy D:
Jan 1 2024, 9:20 am
Just saw a game update Hitogen did on everyone's projects in 2020 and was so flattered that he actually played and took notes!! Makes me feel so bad for losing that project D:

Anyway working on something called "Solar Apocalypse" and this time I've made backups on a cloud to prevent a worst-case-scenario

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Bumblemore's Games
Solar Apocalypse
A game based loosely on climate change
Re: About Solar Apocalypse
Bumblemore's Libraries
Solar Apocalypse Source
Source for my in-progress game
Re: About Solar Apocalypse Source