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| It's been a while since I last saw anything worth commenting on. Good Job!
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| I'm thinking about porting SOS to android. Get your green robot ready?
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| I'm confused with the direction BYOND is going.
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| Just seen this on the facebook BYOND page, good luck to the people that take part.
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| Simple, Unique and Fun. This is what BYOND needs!
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| I thought the rips of the REO2 source was finally cut but seems people still use it.
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| This game could teach a british person like myself XD.
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| Sorry it will be released soon on (Windows 8 phone devices and IOS).
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| Game is starting to shine. Keep up the good work!
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| There is a server that is being autohosted.
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| I'm a hooker when it comes to pirates! Info! Now
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| Hello, Update Log V0.6 - Gamemodes, Fixes, Subscribers Gamemodes Most requested feature was allowing more players to …
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| Game is very unique but it lacks gameplay or certain elements that keep the player wanting to play.
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| Seriously BYOND is laughing and how is it even being listed as a full game? moderators are losing their minds. If you …
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| Hello, Update Log V0.5 - Extra Features Survivor List Survivors will see a new tab that can be clicked and bring up all …
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| Update Log V0.4 - New Features! Cleaned Bugs! Survival Time When a game has started it will show the current survival …
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| I'm close to publishing my post for Update V0.4 I've been making a dynamic sound system which might not appear until …
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| Hello, Update Log V0.3 - Mostly Requested Features Shovel & Digging Shovels can now dig in certain spots around the …
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| Thank you for your post and I will answer your requests below Q. Being able to carry a torch in hand. A. This feature …
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| I could make a feature just like the reboot but make it that all survivors must ready before it starts.
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| Hello, Update Log V0.2 Character Customization One of the biggest features of the V0.2 Update is being able to …
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| Seems like a great concept.
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| You can click Day, Hour, Minute and Second to sort them out in order from lowest to highest. I've just tweaked the …
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| Here is where I will post all the FAQ that players want to know. Q. Why is SOS limited to 4 players? A. When I first …
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| Hello, Update V0.1 - Bug Fixes Improved AI & Object Spawn System AI could sometimes spawn in incorrect places and …
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| Well ill have a update coming out sometime this week hopefully.
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| Finally its time to allow you to play SOS for once! Download it now and have a blast or host a server and ill probably …
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| Dont worry, i havent gave out all recipes there are some still hidden within the game.
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| Here is some information on how deadly creatures are on the islands Creatures *Snake Blue Contains Venom - Damage - Low …
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| Thanks, Im glad you like them.
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| Sounds like you have haters, but more fans then me XD
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| Some slight improvements to the grass, lighting and shadowing of trees
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| think i just raped a smile O_O
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| shame i wasn't added lol, teka123 i didn't mean to call it basic art XD
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| Very nice, slick design. go tom GO!
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| Here is some information about the starting point within the game After you have chosen your survivor and watch the …
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| Here is some information on how to spectate the game whilst four survivors are surviving. Its simple, easy and fast to …
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Apr 17 2013, 8:02 am