
Joined: Aug 30 2015

BrManoBr's Favorite Games

This is a Dragon Ball inspired roleplaying game. Players create their own character and roleplay in a Dragon Ball ...
by Seventh | Mar 24 2012
A Ninja Roleplay Game
by Ryan-hemsley | Sep 27 2013
A game in development based on the anime Fairy Tail by Hiro Mashima.
[PvP & RP Servers] Explore this expansive recreation of the Ninja World. Endless timeline, immense environment with vast ...
Come and join us in the Harry Potter game started in 2005, and still going strong.
by Kayaba | May 5 2016
Tags: action, adventure, pvp
Come to unleash your aura and hunt fun or foes.
"The moment people come to know love, they run the risk of carrying hate." - naruto boruto
by Kidpaddle45 | Mar 12 2010
Tags: action, anime, ninja, pvp, rpg
The game you've been waiting for ...
Become a Shinobi and live your ninja way!