BlueEyesKaibaman's Favorite Games
A fast paced, casual, multi player action game with a little RPG touch
An online, manual version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG.
Icons for BYOND to share! Uploaded by the BYOND community.
Naruto: Rogue, one of the most innovative and stylish naruto game on byond! Execute handseal combinations to perform ...
Naruto Shinobi Warriors, a Byond Classic started more than 9 years ago with Izou, passed down from Ghost-Nin, to ...
Naruto: The Final Battle 3.0 Coming Soon!
A unique MORPG inspired by the gameplay of classic console RPGs
Welcome, to the last city on Earth.
The best, most simple Pokemon game on BYOND that uses a real time battling system, and is soon to have actual attacks!
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BlueEyesKaibaman's Favorite People
Jan 12 2011, 10:25 am