
Joined: Nov 20 2003


Blue5472's Favorite Games

MMORPG based on Bleach. Updated often. Come play!
Fantasy action adventure with boundless possibilities! Each server can be a unique customized world.
by D4RK3 54B3R | Apr 16 2006
Tanks, Guns, Explosives. The main weaponsof three Factions, fighting a war in a post-apocalyptic world.
Open world PvP/PvE action, fast-paced combat, and a fresh take on character progression. | nff naruto dbz anime bleach ...
by Inuyashaisbest | Aug 16 2019
Tags: action, adventure, rpg
Fight. Explore. Survive.
by Secxs | Mar 28 2008
Entice your sense of exploration!
by Kamakiri | Oct 17 2016
by SilkWizard | Apr 10 2002
Battle for domination in a fantasy realm
by Xerse | Aug 31 2003
Rise of Heroes, the ultimate BYOND RPG. Battle hordes of monsters through caves, forests, and dungeons while exploring ...
Guns, explosives, classes and killing zombies!

Blue5472's Favorite People