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| Tom wrote: > I'm not clear what you want to opensource here. We can't really opensource the compiler without …
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| Using {} is pretty useful. :>
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| Cloud Magic wrote: > I for one don't want to see this feature. I dislike line highlighting, and think it would be a …
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| I've been trying to implement this on the IDE, it's not easy.
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| Just close DM, create the folders, move the files and done?
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| As longs as it doesn't keep that name, it's a great idea.
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| A.T.H.K wrote: > The fact that BYOND does not have a Linux nor Mac client we are forced to turn to alternatives like …
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| Like i've read somewhere. Instead of porting old stuff to 3D (I've also read that lot of BYOND Source Code seems to be …
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| Really, BYOND needs to drop Windows 98 support. (Who still uses Windows 98?)
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| If you're still using Windows Vista or less... I don't know why people are really using XP / Vista.
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| Depends. If we talk about DM, i had interest in it when i saw Heroes United a long time ago. Then i looked at BYOND …
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| Re-program everything, k tnx. ^
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| Merry Christmas! (I expect 3 days of free membership for christmas!)
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| Looking at it makes me think: BYOND needs a change. lol. I hope 2013 gives us good things here. :p
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| What you mean? Dragging files while they're open?
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| It's possible to create socket connections using QTcpSocket and QTcpServer should work.
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| A.T.H.K wrote: > $1000 dollars is a lot even if BYOND makes 100k a year or more. $1.000 USD isn't a lot.
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| Well, can't find a good name for this one, though! Would be nice to be able to do something like this: var/icon/MyIcon …
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| Flysbad wrote: > I taught myself how to code by looking at Naruto Damon sources? I think that was the name, but anyways …
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| Tom wrote: > Well, if the demo is involved an requires a writeup, I suppose you could post such a thing to the …
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| Higoten wrote: > To add to what DC said, > > If you try reinstalling BYOND and find out that Firefox is still having a …
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| Why not? With this we could avoid giving your real email (Most of the people uses real email while registring at …
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| EmpirezTeam wrote: > Mouse, Num keys ( to activate skills ) and WASD are popular in MMORPGs. Mouse, WASD, Spacebar, …
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