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| I arrived in Stuttgart, Germany this morning. I'm a Rotary exchange student, so I'll be staying for the year. If anyone …
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| dale and i preparing to embark on an epic journey dale and i are embarking on an epic journey UPSIDE DOWN dale my …
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| so basically thorg is here at my house for like a week or something everyone say hi to him. maybe a special edition of …
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| Ahaha. This is an officer who confiscated some marijuana from someone and used it to make some brownies with his wife …
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| I've got my exact location for my exchange. I'm about a fifteen minute walk north of the center of Stuttgart in a small …
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| I just got an e-mail from my exchange organization who has informed me that I'll be living in or near the German city …
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| the notorious B.I.G. (big fat black guy who is a rapper) has just released a greatest hits album i like him he is dead …
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| This is a symbol I designed for some music I'm currently recording. Some feedback would be awesome.
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| what is the most american thing you have ever done? (you don't have to be american)
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| Here, ~10 megs and 35 minutes long This is not an interview that is particuarly hilarious, although I do crack a few …
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| Some of you may remember my tasteless phone calls of the past. I'd like to interview anyone from BYOND community about …
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| ...and misquoteed me and lied about what I said. Oh well. The article is here.
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| I've now been officially accepted in to the Rotary Foreign Exchange program. I'll be in Germany from August 2007 until …
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| I sat at my lunch table, casually talking and joking with my friends. There were about ten minutes left to go in the …
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| I'm moving BBash to another server tonight or tomorrow, and I need new reviewers - the good people in Converse don't …
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| I won the 8k now the Iccusion BYOND Games Contest 2006 (that one has a lot of words). :-D
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| Well, everybody's been thanking Tom for this and that, but I have the best reason of all to thank him: Yup, that's 34 …
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| For those not in the know, I'm in the process of designing a programming class that my school will offer to junior and …
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| Thanks for being so understanding of our humor and not trying to stifle it! I'll be sure to renew my membership when …
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| in remberance of all the people who died on september 11th send this to 10 people online and if u dont u havent got a …
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| (11:34 pm) Xx Dark Wizard xX: why Xx Dark Wizard xX: not available on this channel.
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| Download, like 8 megs or something I'll do Jamesburrow later tonight. That one's a little over half an hour. It's …
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| At 12AM EST tonight, I'll be doing a phone interview with Jamesburrow about his religion, abortion, and a whole flurry …
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| My entry is fueled by Bawls. (there's a picture in this post okay)
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| How will we recover from the loss of JediMasterCody? JEDI MASTER CODY
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| You are a Social Liberal (63% permissive) and an... Economic Conservative (78% permissive) You are best described as …
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| Okay, BYOND, I'm seriously sick of this. Whichever one of you sent me a letterbomb with a return address of "From the …
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| The source code for my game Hex.
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| mob/verb/Single_Trial(people as num) var list birthdays[people] matches table = {" <table width=100% border=1 …
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| Because it's assumed as a given.
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| thorg saint septimus radioactive gorilla artekia mousie_kebabs fib gibbley das it
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| ben g is a dick please use this post's comments to talk about how horrible he is i heard he rapes babies and also …
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| I'll leave around 7 or 8AM CST, and I'll be back around 6PM EST on Sunday. Love you. :-*
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| I'm in a local elementary school, and whoever said Katrina is over, it's not. The destruction is terrible and pretty …
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| I'm going down to Mississippi for nine days to do Katrina relief and to loot houses. I'll be back 8/6.
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| Should be relatively bug free - if you notice anything, let me know. hub://beng.hex
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| Last night around 2AM I was brainstorming ideas for my hex engine. I came across a board game, simply called Hex. The …
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| A strategy based hex-tile board game with no possibility for a tie!
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| I've been called on the phone. Here's the story: Sunday, June 9th there was a missionary speaker from (guess where) …
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| The show will be on...soon. I promise. We have to plan and stuff and we're really lazy. Sorry. :(
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| Your membership time remaining: 540 days :( help quick
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