This is the 2nd edition of my projects and experiments in article-like form (well, sort of...). I would like to note a few things before I get into anything currently going on right now.
For anybody wondered what happened to "Text Nuclear War"? Well, source code fell victim to data corruption that happened a few weeks ago thanks to nForce4's SATA Controller, which took out a recently bought 1TB Hard Drive (in the process of replacement right now, though still has a warranty as it is a Seagate drive). Same problem also happened to my 500GB Seagate SATA drive (current drive I'm using right now, since it was reformatted), though suffered less damage due to the speed being only at 1.5 gb/s mode (used a jumper, which can be taken out as ya already know). For that reason, had to get a seperate SATA controller and so far no more damage. nForce4 SATA Controllers can be real nasty to Seagate SATA drives (something I read online, since others had data corruption problems as well with nForce4). Fortunately, not everything vanished. Text City Simulator was definitely spared, since no progress was done in a long time and was stored in a backup disc before ever getting an external hard drive for Christmas.
Remember that experiment named "Ultima-Style City Building Experiment" or at least a experiment with a Ultima-like world map, but Ultima-like city view where changes are noticeable from inside of the city to the outside world? If you forgot about it or never seen the story, you can go here: Bandock?command=view_post&post=43772
However, source code was also lost for that. Don't worry about that though. I plan to reconstruct it with improvements I intended to apply for the original one anyway. Experiment is being renamed to the MacroMicro City Building Experiment, which is basically the World Map with City Maps for cities. When it's done, I will release a working demo ya can base it off from, which was actually supposed to be released last year.
Another experiment or test project in construction is just a map loading/saving type deal. These suckers are common aren't they? :P
For my final entry into this edition, I would like to state that I'm planning for another strategy game (again?). It is likely to be an RTS, though it may end up being a TBS depending on some personal decision making. This game will have an interesting appetite ya can't resist. :D
Believe me, ya will really want this appetite sooner or later. That is all I have for this edition.
![]() Apr 25 2009, 9:44 pm