| Yeah, but all of the games made for it were so original and unique, it was pure awesomeness.
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| The Rules and Guidelines caption is; Everyone shuld read this. "shuld" is spelled incorrectly. And fix up all the …
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| Make his jacket a little darker and more purple, it will give it a spookier look. The highlights you have are too …
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| Thats what I said, like days ago
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| Yeah the main problem is it is to repetitive. I would have personally gave it a lower rating than what you have; From …
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| You can make beautiful art with the paint brush tool(I've actually been making sketches like that, its the easiest …
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| The boils on his arms and face should stick out more, though its all looking good, i'd love to see how it explodes xD
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| I just checked it out, and i'm 90% sure he did not rip that base from you. The only thing that was perfectly similar …
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| Yeah that is a good idea, also maybe falling asleep if he has not moved for awhile, and if you make a loud enough noise …
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| Its a lot easier for you if everything is made by you. Organization is not needed when you should be the only one …
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| The only thing I noticed on it, was that the bottom right corner(On the inside not outside) is rounded, while all other …
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| Yeah I get what you mean, kind of like a moltov cocktail breaking. It would be nice to see blue in flames, I don't …
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| You could do that in the section on the forum as SSGX did, and other people have.
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| You didn't say ANY details at all, if you want help you have to say things such as: Color Size Style Perspective …
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| Aww, can't use that program, not Windows 2000 Pro friendly... Though before I have found some screen recording programs …
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| Very nice, Though the eyes seem plain, it would look great if they had a glow I think. And it seems that the light …
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| Yes, as everyone has said, the boobs in every picture stick out so much its incredibly hard to look at the rest of it.
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| Yeah, I can tell you didn't make the guy in the middle. At first glance it looks pretty good though after a little …
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| Hehe, the little lines are totally messed up, your going to have to use some math to get all the positions right for …
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| Might try putting an outline from his arms to his body to distinguish them and there movements.
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| There doesn't seem to be a lightsource on it from any direction, thats my only big concern, and that the roots look a …
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| The green over it just makes it look like its very wrong, like it has 2 turtle necks now. The old one looked more like …
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| I also now noticed that the second fingernail in the hand is a bit off, and should be darker and its annoying the crap …
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| Very very nice, I could see alot of cool effects with that that you would have to draw out but could easily do with …
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| Yeah rules 2,3 and 4 shouldn't be black an white, like for games that are in current tech should still be added, or …
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| I love the style your game is in, though your tree and base are out of proportion(Or your map is) It looks like your …
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| Yeah, thats very smart of you to have this as your only project, cause 99% of the time if your working on multiple …
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| I have a an idea for a winter contest. What if you make a basic shooter on BYOND, and we all have to use that as a …
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| Lol, you just made the size and proportion worse Chris xD The main thing wrong with it Dneezy, is that it doesn't fit …
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| You can't really 100% destroy it, though you can easily replace all things like locate() and any kind of movement using …
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| Zomg, I wanna melt my motherboard!
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| Oh, last time I got a membership it was 18$, but thats good, helps the discussion out.
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| I liked the first one alot better, it had that NES game feel. If you could make a game like that though, you would have …
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| Well the head would be bigger since its a 3/4ths perspective, but it is a very large head for a base(Even for anime!) …
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| Oh, I thought you were just doing a giant turf pack xD, and most-likely the people who are going to use them aren't …
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| A very easy way to have tile-based driving
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| Yeah, thats completely possible, there already are single player games.
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| It matters what perspective, I actually can't tell, though if you added a tail it would look like 3/4ths, though if you …
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| I think that what he used xD
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Jul 26 2016, 6:49 am