| Forum_account wrote: > Avainer1 wrote: > > If you make another library without finishing Tiny Heros first, I'll …
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| You failed to copy me, please do commit suicide.
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| Pfft, I like Liam's CSS(es) more. Then also, there is Teka which is pretty good. I vote for Liam tho.
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| Valoesdte wrote: > people only complain about macs when they don't have them so STFU. I have had both experiences with …
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| tl;dr I dont give a fuck about what people think of my games. I am making them for my on enjoyment. I enjoy creating …
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| Kaien007 wrote: > cool frop but yet another naruto game x.x well ill review it He is not trolling. If he is, he is pro …
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| Tiberath wrote: > Whoo, Australia! Best place in the world. I am moving to Austrailia. I'll spend 1 week in Melbourne …
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| mob/varb/Rasengan() src.Rasenganz()
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| Why am I banned from this?
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| I watched that years ago.
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| Because you told me not to. Mother fucker.
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| UPD4T3 wrote: > It would help if the community would band together and help improve itself, with game material, etc …
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| Agatax wrote: > Wtf, how people can even do tha D: > Zane for me ur best pixel artist on byond keep it up man ;) Says …
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| HaxRp wrote: > Because im pretty sure no one would know who I was talking about -_- . . Then why did you put Wano and …
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| When are you going to add UNIX servers?
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| I would like to contact you regarding a paid pixel art job. Please do contact me on [email protected]
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| I dont find Unzuigiri trolling. I find that UNZUIGIRI fag trolled. My trolling has worked, because I am trying to make …
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| I wasted 5 minutes of my time finding out my wish is weak. /ragequit.
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| Does this use a lot of CPU? Lets say a game with about 70-100 players using it.
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| tl;dr Surprise butt-rape.
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| Darwin. You are doing a crime. You are talking logical to a ripper.
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| Cubanbling wrote: > Avainer1 wrote: > > Enjoy that bitching 24/7 Artist. > > I pity you :) I pity your fail animation.
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| Your first post that makes sense. -claps- Nice post too. Yea'd
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| I want your CSS, ET. I'll give you a nartofrog T-Shirt for it.
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| If you wana thank Teka, thank him in a conversation. Nay'd
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| Teka123 wrote: > Yes, and you never complained when dozens of people thanked me :O at least not to my knowledge :P I do …
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| Your banner contains some stuff that you did not make. I hope you aint taking credits for them.
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| Teka123 wrote: > Hmm i went for ponytail because it looks the most innocent there, kinda. and i like it when innocent …
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| A game can stop being a clone once it gets new art, different programming and new stuff.
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| Shit. I only have a year and 78 days.
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| El wookie is the programmer for Codename : RPG????????????
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Oct 11 2013, 5:39 pm
Old card game....