| Kinglionking wrote: > It doesn't work for me. I keep getting the same error message. > > "An unknown error occurred …
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| I request one of two things: An override parameter for winclone() that allows it to 'override' the target ID window …
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| I can see some application of this going hand-in-hand with his other current project, a server/client architecture …
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| It's not too uncommon to call a language by the name of its compiler, given the absence of any better name to call it …
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| DMIDE just delegates to the Linux DreamMaker (i.e. the compiler), it doesn't do any compiling. If what you're looking …
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| I'd like to note that I've also had this problem due to my machine being infested with spyware. If the upgrade doesn't …
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| I second this motion. I miss the ability to detach and reattach/attach different threads now that it's gone.
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| I'm not entirely sure about other forums, but on this main one the ban list is sort of hidden in the 'admin history' …
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| Is there a possibility of being able to expand it to allow searching of post titles? That would alleviate an issue I've …
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| Thanks! I guess that's just a case where the forum search needs improvement.
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| Falacy wrote: > It is, but it is usually done for encapsulation. You could create a private health variable, and then a …
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| Yes, this is intentional.
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| A copy of the default interface lies in BYOND's cfg/ folder in the Program Files directory (byond.dmf). Copying this to …
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| Nykuri wrote: > Is it possible for it to use both TCP and UDP? Each doing what they do best? That would require more …
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| Acebloke wrote: > How about taking it a step up and some of us develop games only playable for BYOND Members? That …
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| Making client.inactivity writable just opens up venues that we shouldn't be going down. I quote the reference: "This is …
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| I'm with Eternal_Memories on this one. A toggle would be nice because I'm actually quite partial to the icons because …
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| Airjoe wrote: > You have apparently not read all of the posts in this thread ;p > There's more to the post than just …
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| I guess it's true that hindsight is 50/50, then. :p
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| Complex Robot wrote: > @Tom: Why Tuesday night and not Tuesday morning or afternoon? Do you guys have a day job that …
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| Amsel wrote: > Do you have some actual data about the read/write performance? Negative, I imagine it's mostly …
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| KetchupKid: Once you get the hang of it, it's really not that bad. C++'s syntax is somewhat complicated, and a lot of …
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| Hopeforthelost wrote: > If it's ok with the Admin's and Moderator's, I'd like to post the Full Code that I have at this …
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| This was an interesting post. I feel like you had a mathematical error in there, though. Good job!
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| A.T.H.K wrote: > But Flash is dead ... We need HTML5, this is going to be pointless in a few more years... It's really …
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| EmpirezTeam wrote: > I thought this post was going to be all about Stephen. > > I was disappointed to find out it had …
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| The embedded expressions regex didn't work?
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| Acronyms might be the new trend. Anywho, I've been working on this project that I briefly mentioned in the last post …
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| I didn't really bother making a hub for it because it was just something I cooked up to have a little fun with, not …
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| Falacy wrote: > How would this be any different than what the pager already does? Aside from you expecting it to …
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| I'll go ahead and make a response to these first six comments, save for Enzuigiri's because Forum_account's covers it …
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| Another issue that's been brought up recently that sort of goes along the lines of the software used to produce the …
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| You can pass parameters to the game via link() (GET-style) using the Topic parameter in client/New. As for if this …
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| From what Tom has said, this should be less of a problem after an impending site update.
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| Speedro wrote: > Just curious, I mean I know it clears out unused entries, but does that make a significant difference? …
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| There's an abundance of ways to do it and it really just boils down to personal preference- I'd prefer using the …
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| In before the imaginary number jokes roll in. (They will roll in, right?)
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| INI Reader 2 is now complete with writing functionality and my extended list support. What it lacks right now is …
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