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| Hi. I'm Artekia. How y'all doing? How're things lately?
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| Lately I've been having some really annoying trouble with my internet going out. It seems like for long periods of time …
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| Tomorrow I leave for Philly and then on Saturday I'm off to Costa Rica. So I won't be around. Not that I'm normally …
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| doggs i have less than 2 hours to go
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| On the way home from Rochester, NY(visiting my brother who goes to RIT), my dad's Corvette ran over a piece of metal on …
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| Check this out: stay tuned for tomorrow's installment!
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| Well, there is this local pizza place like 2 minutes from me, so walking there is very easy, and they are hiring. The …
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| You are a Social Conservative (25% permissive) and an... Economic Moderate (41% permissive) You are best described as …
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| Y determines popularity, X determines post.
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| This took much too long to make-
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| But I bet none of you even knew I was gone you heartless people :( I went to Bar Harbor, Maine. Did a fair amount of …
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| No internet from now 'til Thursday.
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| I'm not talking about members posts, I'm talking about forum posts. e: heck, i even specified forum posts.
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| What is with the trend of replying to forum posts, simply saying "Haha!" or "LMAO"? Such no content posts make Artekia …
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| and I live 5 minutes away from school. =(
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| Last day of school was today.
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| Warning, possible slight spoiler. Do not read this post if you think that doing so might ruin your movie going …
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| Finals coming up soon. That means actual studying having to happen. Oh, how I hate having to make effort. =( It is so …
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| I went to the windows search, left the input field empty, and searched the network drive. A buttload of files came up, …
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| http://www.google.com/ trends?q=weird+al+yankovic%2C+ everyone+else&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all Them Aussies got damn good …
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| artekia.kicks-ass.org:8996
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| It was 1v1. Me and Xeal looked at each other with hateful, destructive eyes. I use security camera, put a wall in a …
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| Accidently forgot to save the notepad file with my old CSS. I don't wanna have to keep this. =(
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| Anything I try to make with Fosk looks like crap. =(
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| I was just eatin' some healthy raison bran, all was good! I had a nice yellow plastic bowl, full of milk and raisons …
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| I saw United 93 today. I think the best way to describe it, would be to write a summary based on the book-a-minute …
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| I wents to see my brother up at the Rochester Institute of Technology. That wasn't exactly the most exciting thing, but …
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| These have been made in The Scratchpad. I didn't make the non-black color marks in this one:
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