
Joined: Jun 13 2009


Jan 30 2012, 4:08 am
Arctic. Any updates on Town Mall? .-.
Jan 7 2012, 8:37 pm
Oct 8 2011, 11:58 am
Yeah i got the prize, thank you very much. :), and yeah some stuff screwed up here lol
Oct 8 2011, 11:53 am
Oh oh comments bugged now XS height needz fixing now that the previous_next box appeared lol
Oct 8 2011, 11:52 am
Did you receive your prize :)?

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Arcticblast's Favorite Games

by Asha_LaPoe | Feb 26 2008
A Completely Original Fantasy RPG
by Iccusion Entertainment | Dec 15 2008
Tags: action
Play as Feval the squirrel and blow up your enemies with an arsenal of exploding acorns!
by Heyya46 | Jul 8 2011
Make your actions count in a realtime crime-based MORPG with elements of GTA
by Iccusion Entertainment | Sep 5 2003
Tags: fantasy, rpg
Online role-playing game that takes place in a fantasy world.
by Arcticblast | Dec 24 2009
Buy your own store,maintain your store, pay off your loan, decorate your store. Control the monopoly! Coming Soon.

Arcticblast's Favorite Resources

by Forum_account | Oct 10 2011
Tags: maps
An easy way to create multiple instances of a map. Each instance is put on its own z level.
by Yash 69 | Nov 22 2008
Tags: admin
Stops people from multikeying the right way
by Forum_account | Dec 13 2010
Tags: movement
A pixel movement library for isometric and top-down maps.