Sup..remove the hostban on calmeststorms?
Jul 12 2013, 4:11 am
Hey Arch. I'd like to donate a re-colored hair icon to Sundered Earth. I took the "Hair, Blue, Male" icon that's already in the game and recolored it to make it black and grey, which makes it extremely easy to re-color from inside the game, as opposed to how extremely difficult it is right now. It's hard to re-color the current hair icon because it's blue/green by default rather than being black by default like most(if not all) hair icons in the game. Please let me know if you're interested?
May 6 2013, 5:05 pm
Hey Arch not sure why but I am unable to connect off and on. It was giving me a bit of trouble for awhile and now its not letting me in at all. Just letting you know so you can attempt to fix the problem. I am betting thats one reason why we lost people.
Jan 17 2013, 8:14 am
May I please get an unbann from server 8666. I had accidently fell asleep on my computer while I was pbing and it continued to punch and I was banned for ezing and I did not intentionaly ez it was a mistake that I didnt mean to make. Can I please can an unbann right.
Jan 14 2013, 8:08 am |
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