
Joined: Nov 8 2008

Medals Anthonyswn has earned

[Only favorite games] [Medals left to earn]

Digimon Re:RPG

Newbie Tamer

Log into Digimon Tamers

Earned on Jul 24 2011, 8:31 am


Reach a Tamer Level of 5

Earned on Jul 24 2011, 8:54 am

Bronze Tamer

Reach a Tamer Level of 15

Earned on Jul 24 2011, 2:17 pm

Silver Tamer

Reach a Tamer Level of 25

Earned on Jul 26 2011, 4:43 pm

Gold Tamer

Reach a Tamer Level of 35

Earned on Jul 27 2011, 2:27 pm


Universe of the hero: CLASH OF THE HEROES


a medal earned by the people who played the beta version of the game (you can no longer earn this medal)

Earned on Feb 8 2011, 9:42 am


Pokémon Online World


Have at least 100 battles in routes or outside towns.

Earned on Feb 1 2011, 6:44 pm


Have at least 100 battles in a forest.

Earned on Feb 3 2011, 7:12 pm


Walk at least 10,000 steps out of the tall grass.

Earned on Feb 4 2011, 7:35 pm


Have at least 10 hours of play time.

Earned on Feb 7 2011, 4:59 pm


(Male-only) Walk at least 30,000 steps out of the tall grass.

Earned on Feb 13 2011, 5:55 pm


Get at least 5 medals.

Earned on Feb 13 2011, 5:55 pm

Black Belt/Battle Girl

Attain at least 10 PVP wins.

Earned on Feb 14 2011, 7:36 pm


(Male-only) Have at least 50 PVP battles.

Earned on Feb 14 2011, 8:12 pm

Ace Trainer

Achieve at least PVP level 10.

Earned on Feb 14 2011, 8:15 pm

School Kid

Have at least 25 battles indoors.

Earned on Feb 19 2011, 6:14 pm


Earned on Jul 17 2018, 2:48 am


Dragonball Z Ultimate Fighters 2

First Timer

Connect to the game for the first time.

Earned on Feb 1 2011, 1:52 pm


Pokemon TCG (The Card Game)

Old is gold

Chose a Base set series theme deck as the freebie deck.

Earned on Jan 10 2011, 7:56 am


Pokemon Renewed From Dust


Get a Medal just for Logging in :D

Earned on Dec 23 2010, 8:39 pm

Bulbasaur Fan

Join the Tree Slashing Grass Club by choosing Bulbasaur as your Starter!

Earned on Dec 23 2010, 8:40 pm

Charmander Fan

Join the Blazing Fire Club by Choosing Charmander as your Starter!

Earned on Jan 7 2011, 7:23 am

Dragonball Z: Immortal Damnation

Been There Done That

Old Fight For Supremacy Medal

Earned on Nov 11 2010, 10:10 am


Pokemon: Shadows of Darkness

I've played PSD!

Congratulations you've played Pokemon: Shadows of Darkness!

Earned on Oct 23 2010, 9:43 am


Pokemon Challenger

Beta Tester

A genuine beta tester!

Earned on Jun 5 2009, 6:24 am

Wave Adept

Defeated 50 waves in any mode

Earned on Jun 5 2009, 4:47 pm

Adventurer Lite

Seen 75 species of Pokemon

Earned on Jun 5 2009, 4:47 pm


Earn 3 million lifetime experience

Earned on Jun 6 2009, 8:02 am

Solo Adept

Defeated 50 waves in single-player

Earned on Jun 7 2009, 6:59 am


Earn 10 million lifetime experience

Earned on Jun 14 2009, 6:03 am

Around the Block

Seen 110 species of Pokemon

Earned on Jan 25 2010, 6:39 pm

National Dex

Seen 150 species of Pokemon

Earned on Jan 27 2010, 5:03 pm


Earn 20 million lifetime experience

Earned on Jan 29 2010, 8:20 pm

Frost Badge

Award for completing the fifth badge challenge!

Earned on Feb 13 2010, 8:36 am

Gaia Badge

Award for completing the second badge challenge!

Earned on Feb 28 2010, 6:08 pm

Insect Badge

Award for completing the first badge challenge!

Earned on Mar 3 2010, 8:40 pm

Spook Badge

Award for completing the third badge challenge!

Earned on Mar 6 2010, 4:24 am

Budding Scholar

Seen 200 species of Pokemon

Earned on Mar 12 2010, 9:46 am

Wave Professional

Defeated 75 waves in any mode

Earned on Mar 13 2010, 4:08 am