
Joined: Nov 26 2008

over excited

Alixt24's Favorite Games

From the Hit show Bakugan Battle Brawlers, Comes the first Game of the show.
by Lild4589 | Apr 11 2009
Ready for ACTION!? New and improved, DBZ-IS, Constantly updated in thanks to Mathinic!
Come Play One of the Best DragonBall Games on BYOND. Updated Frequently. Awesome Players, Great Staff, and Well Balanced ...
by Devourer Of Souls | Jun 29 2004
Tags: anime
An online, manual version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG.
It's time to Duel!
by Kajika | Oct 6 2003
An online version of the Trading Card Game.
by Kajika | Nov 3 2016
Tags: anime
An online inspired version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! strategy board game.
by Enigmaster2002 | Aug 21 2003
Tags: building, chat, icons
by Polatrite | Jan 8 2004
Tags: action, scifi
This is what happens when aliens are low on victims...
Pokémon how it was meant to be.
Wisteria is a Roleplay Driven Online game that happens 30 years before Red's adventure, be part of the creation of the ...
by TGAGC | Jul 2 2011
by RareScar | Mar 8 2011
Collect Pokemon and level them up while conquering challenging dungeons and survival challenges. 200+ Pokemon available!
by Polatrite | May 18 2009
Tags: fangame
Pokemon with a new twist! Use your team of Pokemon to fight back wild Pokemon and conquer the Badge Challenges to become ...
by Alext345 | Jul 1 2011
Welcome, this game is a game based on pokemon. It as a lots of new thing on this game, it's also fun to play.
A Sonic the Hedgehog Roleplay, with Music that makes it all the better!
Retired Page for Dragonball Ruination

Alixt24's Favorite Resources

by Lyndonarmitage1 | Jan 8 2009
A demo of a system for the watch in Ben 10