
Joined: Jun 28 2021

Medals Alexwhite737 can earn in his favorite games

[Any games] [Earned medals]

Charmed Life Or Death

Average Roleplayer Medal

A medal for achieving an RP Status of 2

Good Roleplayer Medal

A medal for achieving an RP Status of 3

Amazing Roleplayer Medal

A medal for achieving an RP Status of 4

Elder Medal

A medal for obtaining the 'Elder' rank

Triad Medal

A medal for obtaining the 'Triad' rank

France Quest Medal

A medal for completing the 'France' quest

Egypt Quest Medal

A medal for completing the 'Egypt' quest

Magic Quest Medal

A medal for completing the 'Magic' quest

David Quest Medal

A medal for completing the 'David' quest

CLoD History Quest Medal

A medal for completing the 'CLoD History' quest

Race Quest Medal

A medal for completing the 'Race' quest

Charmed Quest Medal

A medal for completing the 'Charmed' quest

Slap Medal

A medal for using the slap verb for the first time

Wedding Medal

A medal for getting RPly married

Heartbreaker Medal

A medal for getting RPly divorced

Twins Medal

A medal for having twins in-game

Baby Girl Medal

A medal for having a girl in-game

Baby Boy Medal

A medal for having a boy in-game

Rebirth of Magic

Veteran RPer

Awarded the highest RP rating

Class 6

Reached the highest class available to players

Potion Master

Achieved potion level 10

The Triad

Obtained the rank "Triad"

The Source of all Evil

Obtained the rank "The Source"


Obtained the rank "Charmed One"

The Elder

Obtained the rank "Elder"