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| Only band on there I like is August Burns Red.
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| Screw Montreal, GO SABRES! I was in Montreal for UFC 113, Arrived May 6th for Game 5? of the Habs/Pens series. City was …
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| I smoke pot because I enjoy smoking pot. I don't smoke cigs, never have, never will.
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| Wow lol. I got.. Silk Bed sheet set. G-Star Hoodie 2 Dolce and Gabbana sweaters Pair of Just Cavalli dress shoes …
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| Drink Water AND milk! That's what I do. 8 Bottles a water a day and 4L of Milk a day.
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| There's a perk that stop the Nuke.
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| Add 1/2 a Gallon of milk to that and that's my kind of meal.
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| Holy fuck. I'd die if I ate 2-3 meals a day.
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| Smoke some weed while you're there.
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| Pop/Soda is gross. I only drink Water, Milk and Weight Gainer/Protein Shakes.
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| Yeah, Clifton Hill is a alright place...for Tourists. I stay away from there usually. Unless we hit one of the …
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| Use a vaporizer for Pot. Much healthier.
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| UFC is awesome. The game is awesome.
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| Doing that for Black people brings up some funny ones.
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| Is it really hard to figure out? Server 1 crashed while you were still playing it. The game THINKS you're still …
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| Game is SICK! Been playing it non stop since it came out. Shogun is one of my favourite MMA fighters so I always …
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| I only smoke pot with a Vaporizer. It's probably one of the "healthiest" way to do it. Water Bongs are good also …
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| Guinea Pig Film Series ;)
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| Last year my Xbox got the RROD and I used the towel trick close to 20 times. Worked everytime, though I had to do …
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| Six Hour Power>Five Hour Energy.
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| It's the only Friday the 13th of the whole year I believe.
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| It's going to win an Oscar for sure.
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| 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand is the title of his new game for the PS3 and Xbox 360. Plot:50 cent and g-unit are doing a …
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| On the first level there is a glitch that allows your teammates to kill inf guys. (they keep coming if done properly) …
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| Dump her already. Jesus. Why wait till she makes you look like a jackass again?
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| Figures lol. Record the Breakup.
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| I have to say. Spikes interface is sexy. Goa's skin is Ok. Personally..I've been waiting for someone from the …
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| The best part about Goa was that you could Afk train all day and nothing would happen..now that is gone, I'm …
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| Lag is somewhat gone (it's still there). -The problem now is that 50% of the game can hardly play Goa sometimes due …
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| Go for a drive with a friend for our "Burn Cruise" aka Get high.
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| Wear it for Halloween. Be a Ninja.
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| Yeah, Drcaon and I think Goku72..
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| I sent Ten bucks to that paypal. :)
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| I just hope he stays out of the Raptors division. A trade for Carter+ younger talent wouldn't be outta the question.
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| Besides all that, the Wii wouldn't allow GTA4 because it doesn't meld with Nintendo's morality or ethics, whatever …
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| Oh man. Thank you so much. I totally forgot the new Smallville was on tonight. I worked and missed it. I'll …
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