| pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
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| I can see both sides of this. If someone keeps making threads that act like they have a point but are always finding a …
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| I found this. It is about 2 months old. I figure there's a chance posting this here may just help someone, and I'm …
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| Unless you have 4 keys and a guest, no.
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| Total necro, but I was searching to see if any discussions about Clannad and Clannad AS had come up anytime lately …
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| By no means is this a perfect example, but I sketched it up real quick with hopes that it could help you a bit with …
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| I guessed you were not a very helpful face after I saw your post on my art, this art and the fact that you joined on …
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| Chris Gayle wrote: > DarkNinjaNaut wrote: > > Kozuma3 wrote: > > > A.T.H.K wrote: > > > > Sigh. > > > > > > > > >
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| I'm a bit behind the loop here. Is there anything special about that GIF, other than it being played in the webclient? …
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| I believe that the dub is alright, and someone new to the series would probably enjoy it. I'm just too exposed to the …
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| The rebel in me is screaming to not say "Welcome" simply because you asked for us to say it.
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| Pretty late, but in regards to the Chuunin Exam area hands - wouldn't it make more sense for the ring and pinky fingers …
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| Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't all of the variables in the vars list strings? Meaning that you need to use text …
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| I'm really late, but I do have a question, Ter. In regards to the separations between the artist and programmer, do you …
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| I don't know how to reply to this thread. I just can't think of anything serious or witty enough.
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| I was in the middle of something, and being called repeatedly despite me denying the calls was interrupting me. I don't …
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| necro man rip in pepperonis
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| 20 January 28th. Been here almost 6 years. Eesh.
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| I haven't even been here in a while, but damn. That was rude. I'm just glad to see Ter is still helping out this …
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| No problem. I'm buying it, its $5.09 USD. I'm working on concept art lately (As you can see in my latest post in the …
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| I agree with the in-between state. You aren't "sacrificing detail", you are just maintaining proper perspective, which …
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| If only there were choices. But seriously, man. My feels. Rin got to me. Not in a depressing way, but in a way that has …
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| I've been a bit preoccupied lately so progress has been slower, but it is still in development!
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| Yeah. I have a script in the works, I just don't have a ton of free time lately. The next chapter is also HUGE, so it …
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| I can't join because I have no character.
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| Make sure you look up whatever fighting style you want to give your character and know how the body moves to punch, or …
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| Sir Quizalot wrote: > Cause that's all fun is, engagement. This is actually very wrong. I've seen Extra Credits pop up …
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| The grass still looks like grass, so it is familiar. See: Namek
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| Its assumed they don't have genitals since there are no females, so you don't need to add much to make them naked XD
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| He just hasn't quite matured in the nexus yet.
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| You can call any variable in your source a "stat". You don't have to show every variable to your player, though. They …
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| I recommend studying what kind of fighting style you want them to have. For example, most boxing styles keep one leg …
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| My issue appears to be different than his. After attempting to host on my laptop and getting it to work, I did a …
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| That's hilarious. inb4 i find a way to steal it and put it in my game "kawaii dance no jutsu"
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| Xirre wrote: > Boy, do I miss those blogs. That random plug
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| the shadow under the ninja...it makes no sense x.x
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Jul 20 2020, 3:43 pm