Post your comments here!
Yo Yo Akushumi Remember Im ur best friend ;DD lol
hey i need akushumi call me when ypou see this
Can this game join your guild? Thanks already!
ty for working on sea of eternia it looks like a good game worth playing i wud like to thank you again for ur effort ^_^ ty :P
Sagamaru wrote:
ty for working on sea of eternia it looks like a good game worth playing i wud like to thank you again for ur effort ^_^ ty :P

I actually quit the game and started with Davif, but thank you for your encouragement.
Aww,but gl with ur game with davif now
Hello, could I join your Guild? I'm working really hard to update it, and I wish I could be in a Guild, thank you for your help (: Good luck. NarutoTheNextEternity
Oh hey, I remember you. It's Smith from that One Piece game. Anyway, don't work with TLK on his game. It's a ripoff of another game that he used to play, right down to the plot. I can give you more detail if you want but the jist is that that trainwreck isn't worth your time.
Exoduster wrote:
Oh hey, I remember you. It's Smith from that One Piece game. Anyway, don't work with TLK on his game. It's a ripoff of another game that he used to play, right down to the plot. I can give you more detail if you want but the jist is that that trainwreck isn't worth your time.

Thanks for the info, mate.