
Joined: Aug 28 2002

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Quite possibly the longest running consistently updating developer on BYOND


Jul 28 2017, 8:56 pm
Even if you can't share the DSC:Revamped code, I'd be thrilled to get my mitts on the DSC (original) coding.
Jun 28 2017, 3:37 am
Oh wow, that is kind of an unusual request! Didn't think anyone really knew about that.

Well, I worked on that with a former GF, Zeen, and she's in the Industry now for graphics design and promotional events; I can try and ask her but I suspect it'll be a no.
Jun 9 2017, 6:50 pm
Any chance you'll release the Shining Dream Character Revamped code for others to tinker with?
Jul 4 2015, 7:02 pm
I am and I aren't, not enough that I haven't seen your message for a month, but still around enough that I pop up now and again and see whats happening on BYOND.

I'm intending to make at least one final update to Wargames, but after that its probably going the way of the dodo. I keep having little projects I start, but nothing I tend to share.
May 31 2015, 11:53 pm
are you still around? Just wondering -One of your inspired fans

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Medals Acebloke can earn in his favorite games

[Any games] [Earned medals]



Get the worst possible Results from any random level [E]

7 in a Row

Win 7 random levels in a row [H]



Finish the game with Interest on [H]


The Next Stage

Successfully clear 15 lines. [M]

The Final Stage

Successfully clear 40 lines. [H]

Micro Defence


Kill at least 400 Baddies [M]



Award for Winning 10 Versus games [E]


Super Award for Winning 25 Versus games [M]



Get a decent score for all Wipeout games [M]


1st Place 2009

1st Place for 2009: Ganing

2nd Place 2009

2nd Place for 2009: Kozuma3

3rd Place 2009

3rd Place for 2009: Mastermatthew


For those that recorded at least a point in 2009

Alchemist Classic

Topaz 1

Send 200 garbage blocks to your opponent in one combo!

Topaz 2

Send 400 garbage blocks to your opponent in one combo!

Topaz 3

Send 600 garbage blocks to your opponent in one combo!

Ruby 3

Get a 7-long consecutive combo!

Emerald 3

Clear 10 blocks in one grouping!

Star Sapphire

Achieve a Ranking of 600 or higher.

Star Ruby

Achieve a Ranking of 700 or higher.

Star Peridot

Achieve a Ranking of 800 or higher.


Defender of the Forest

Complete the game [VH]

Pork for Dinner

Kill 250 Enemies over any number of games [M]

Zetris 2

Ying Yang

Get at least 25 points in Single Player [H]

No Hogging the Server

Play at least 5 Two player games over the internet [E]

Going for Top Marks

Play at least 25 Two player games over the internet [M]

Bitter End

Play a Two player game over the internet where each player has at least 10 points [H]

Two Towers

Topple The Tower

[Not yet available] Take out your first tower in Single Player mode [E]

Control the Elements

[Not yet available] Take out a tower of each Element in Single Player mode [M]

Play this Game

Play at least 10 2 Player games [E]

Top of the Towers

Win at least 25 2 Player games [M]


Finish the Game

Finish this awesome game [VH]
A Class Racer

Get to the A class in Airship Racing [M]



Actually Survive, yes we know you cheated to get this one

Variety is the Spice of Life

Kill at least one Zombie of every type in one round



Make an alliance of at least 20 players [M]


Make an alliance of at least 50 players [H]

Keep your Friends close

Make an alliance of at least 100 players [VH]


Make a Billion (US Trillion)Through Trade [H]

Right of Conquest

Win 2,500 battles [VH]

A Space Odyssey

Establish your first Space Station into Orbit [H]

9801 The Magic Number

Reach 9,801 land [H]

Southern Devil

Reach 100 Infamy [M]