| QOL Update 2024: The download appeared to be listing as insecure and was being blocked from downloading, so I've tried …
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| Good afternoon all, In addition to the recent version 3 update, I've added a new game mode for single player. Click the …
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| Hi everyone, not the game you would have expected me to update today. About 17 years ago I released "Hostile Takeover", …
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| Hi everyone, its been ten years since the last update to SurviveThis! I felt like it needed some population data …
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| Hi everyone, and thanks to everyone who has said hi recently following some of my recent posts! I do my usual thing of …
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| Hi everyone, Its been... 3 1/2 years... Since the last public mention of a update. I have occasional bouts of energy …
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| Minor update just to fix up and improve the original save system. This still uses 'Character Handling'. Yes, that one …
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| That is 'F' for 'Failed to be on time ever'
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| Well its been nearly three months since the last update, when I was "nearly there" and "about a week or two left to …
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| Ahahaha, you know me better by now right? If I say I'm making an update, it usually means I'll spend the next 3 months …
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| Hi again everyone! I promised I'd do another round up before I get to the release, so I've got some more features on …
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| First off I want to thank the generous donor to my BYOND membership yet again, I still don't know who it is but its …
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| Hi all, the title isn't intended as a troll. I was probably one of those people who membership'd up early on in the …
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| In the event that I do another update in 4 years time, here is my current todo list: * Open up a new Age, the Bronze …
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| 24 hour update development! There is not a whole lot changed in all honesty, but some of the quite minor bugs present …
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| Tank Changes in Wargames.
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| So TLDR version is: Fixes, Scenario Mode, Religion, Government building improvements.
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| update-to-stop-it-being- broken-at-start version
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| Ok so I've been trying to knock out a new version, partly because there was some content I've already set aside for it, …
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| Time for a post about the updates since 2.0. I've made the fourth update to the game since its official 2.0 release, …
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| Ten Year Anniversary Release! You can now download the ten year anniversary edition release 2.0 from the main hub page …
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| Wikispaces had made their originally free space into paid space last year, Wargames used to come under this …
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| God Willing, the 10 year anniversary edition will be released on the 19th of September 2015. Wow, what a ride guys, it …
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| March. March was the last time I posted something about Wargames. This isn't the first time there has been a …
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| Wargames 2 E.d version is now out. Its a quick update, largely to prepare it for some new features coming in the way of …
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| History in Wargames: Religion was a largely undeveloped feature which I really need to expand upon. Other than an …
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| History in Wargames: Trade was a useful feature early on to help out new people or struggling nations, and also …
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| The tertiary sector. Currently in Wargames 1: This sector represents hospitals and schools which came first, as well as …
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| This ticket covers the manufacturing process, namely the secondary sector (factories). History of Manufacturing in …
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| This covers resource production. History of resources in Wargames: In 2005, the game started first with cash, and …
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| For 2.0 Updates what will happen is that each update will focus on one particular area. When these updates are done, …
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| Wow, nearly there. What I got now is what I feel to be a presentable 2.0 for download. There is still a few more things …
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| Well, I had to move house and the sorting out is starting to come to a close. I might also be in a position to code the …
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| Ok, I thought I'd better post again on the current state of the Wargames update. I've now inserted 'WarMart' into the …
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| Hi Guys. I'll be taking advantage of the credits system for Wargames, although final details are yet to be announced …
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| This is an official update to say that the next download version: and first official 2.0 download will be released on …
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| It must feel like it has been a long time since I've hosted, let alone updated Wargames original. Fear not, as work on …
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| Game in a Day +196 minutes
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| Welcome again to the Wargames showcase week! Just a reminder that full features and access to all the games featured in …
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| Welcome everyone to the Wargames Showcase Week! Each day this week I will be showing off the latest updates in each of …
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| Ok, so quite a number of people have been asking me about the Wargames Franchise in general. I'll be doing a round trip …
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| One of the things I'm intending to do very soon is to rehash the stats that is punched through both through clicking …
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| To celebrate BYOND 499 release and the Bank Holiday Weekend (UK) I'm hosting the latest Wargames 2.0 test server with …
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| Chrono Wars has had a very small update, although it may have some minor things I've added/changed since Feb 2012. The …
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| Chrono Wars (Wargames 3), quick fire Tactics!
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Jul 28 2017, 8:56 pm