| Bumblemore wrote: > Same thing happens for my game. What was your fix? I tried googling it, and saw someone mention …
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| Good afternoon all, In addition to the recent version 3 update, I've added a new game mode for single player. Click the …
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| Its a shame Casual Quest didn't get a mention, even tidying up updates is still nice to hear, and Iain's Casual Quest …
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| Oh there is some sound effects too.
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| Hi everyone, its been ten years since the last update to SurviveThis! I felt like it needed some population data …
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| Alitron123 wrote: > Acebloke wrote: > > First off, not particularly exciting, but a menu option to change the volume of …
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| Thanks guys! Posting some stuff up about where I'm at in a moment...
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| Minor update just to fix up and improve the original save system. This still uses 'Character Handling'. Yes, that one …
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| That is 'F' for 'Failed to be on time ever'
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| Thanks Lummox for keeping the site alive, just renewed my membership for another 5 years. Still using BYOND quite a bit …
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| Magicsofa wrote: > What are the borders made of? Areas? A custom datum? Big, big fences? I've tried alsorts, including …
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| Higoten wrote: > It's been a while, but I spelled your name correctly on the first try this time, Aceblock. ;) …
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| Sorry @Major Falcon I forgot to reply back to you. One of the things I did consider, and even had icons for, was an …
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| Ahahaha, you know me better by now right? If I say I'm making an update, it usually means I'll spend the next 3 months …
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| In true Wargames fashion, a critical bug is effecting release, I need brain power to go deep into the code to work it …
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| Someone donated a new subscription anonymously... thank you! I got some updates planned for some games so hopefully I …
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| Kozuma3 wrote: > would: Chao Chatterz, Castle, anything by Acebloke or oasiscircle. > wouldn't: anything made by …
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| Been awhile since I've been in the news XD But AceBLOCK WutFace ;p
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| In the event that I do another update in 4 years time, here is my current todo list: * Open up a new Age, the Bronze …
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| 24 hour update development! There is not a whole lot changed in all honesty, but some of the quite minor bugs present …
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| Sometime next month! :P I'm planning a bit of a WW1 themed update, so I'm hoping to include various other changes: 1) …
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| Thanks mate, I'll probably try it once this update is out, which probably won't be for a few weeks yet!
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| Oh wow, that is kind of an unusual request! Didn't think anyone really knew about that. Well, I worked on that with a …
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| update-to-stop-it-being- broken-at-start version
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| So I've updated to the latest BYOND version, now even basic commands such as starting the game no longer work. Its …
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| I thought I might chip in a bit too: "What's the very first thing you do when you open a new project in DM?" …
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| Someone else asked the same thing as well, I'll try and answer it: When you open the game you get two windows, the …
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| Super Saiyan X wrote: > Acebloke wrote: > > Lummox, regarding logo screen transition, could it possibly be made so that …
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| Yeahhhh! Two mentions in two months, before you know it I'll be filling up the news again just like AC Wraiths Strategy …
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| Game of the month, if in 6 months it has to start repeating games it'll just be a sign we need to do more. I just want …
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| Whoa that's pretty impressive! I'm not an art minded person as anyone whos been in my games know ;p I guess the main …
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| Time for a post about the updates since 2.0. I've made the fourth update to the game since its official 2.0 release, …
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| Depends on the game, is it playable? If its not, don't show it off. Is it finish-able? What type of game it is will …
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| Totally jealous of the graphics though. I've started polishing Gaiothe from 2009 now but we're talking like about 2 …
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| Updated with year requirements for easier use.
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| Stat boosts are cheap and easy to do, but I think if the goal is to convince people to buy BYOND memberships then …
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| Just listened to it, interesting stuff. It was a shame the first part was lost, but glad you found the time to upload …
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| Ugh, still using AVG because I hate switching and don't like trusting others. I don't browse anything particularly …
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| Did manage to boot up, but desktop decided to update to windows 10 despite being told not to. Whoops.
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| Ten Year Anniversary Release! You can now download the ten year anniversary edition release 2.0 from the main hub page …
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| Wikispaces had made their originally free space into paid space last year, Wargames used to come under this …
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| Thanks for the mention! I better actually keep it this time.
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| Just passed my 13th, though I was around as a guest key in DWO in 2001. I need to get up to speed with the latest …
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| God Willing, the 10 year anniversary edition will be released on the 19th of September 2015. Wow, what a ride guys, it …
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| Lugia319 wrote: > Apparently if enough people pre-order Tales of Zestria we'll all get Tales of Symphonia for free :^) …
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| March. March was the last time I posted something about Wargames. This isn't the first time there has been a …
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Jul 28 2017, 8:56 pm