| Thanks for these statistics, its very interesting. Glad to see our Brazilians are still around, its nice to know we can …
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| Yes it is feasible but very difficult and 'done well' has to mean 'done very well'. In the end of the day, its about …
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| Please note the recent download update is mostly for automatic integration with the Complete Pack so I don't have to …
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| OK will try to remember this when I update soon.
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| From now and into 2013, Wargames 1 prices have been slashed. This is in preparation of the new version. For now, you …
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| Try out exclusive Wargames varients before they come out
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| I'm struggling to think of an easy way to do multi unit management, in fact I've thought about it much longer than just …
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| Minor post on the last two updates to Wargames. After the current round I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing a public beta …
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| My life is always in danger ;p And yeah, we know each other from way back, thanks NNAAAAHH for directing him to me.
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| I'm sorry for the delay, I managed to destroy my laptop, so its pretty much out of action for a week. Two other factors …
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| Kitsueki wrote: > I suppose aspects of gameplay that can be brought up are these; > > Focus: Is the game attention …
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| Will probably host the beta in the next couple of hours. Again, these betas are available for Subcribers only, so if …
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| US law is funny, how can you 'own' something you license (basically, rent) from another company. Its like saying I own …
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| The major update to Wargames is still in the works, but I've found a few hours just to work on the current version a …
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| Stephen is right, the anti-christ will be blind in one eye (cough, Gordon Brown)*. * This is a joke. Its also UK …
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| I'll put my name down again, but unlikely to see an entry but just in case. Because I am a man, I pick all three themes.
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| Its been a donation-for-creation access, free to view. To be fair, while a few people have viewed the program, nobody …
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| Seems we all use black background, although I tend to prefer it with bright text. Do we all code at night or something? …
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| I'll put my name down, but no promises there'll be something by the end to submit.
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| Just on a final note, my last comment was in regards to Silk being well informed about what's going on, and the rest of …
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| There is an extra long round being hosted right now with the new version. There has been some minor improvements to …
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| More of a 4X in the Wargames theme :p Good to see interest in it, apologies that WG1 gets the most of my time.
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| Ramadan Mubarak to everyone, tomorrow I'll be updating Wargames as well as hosting a special round during Ramadan. To …
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| I wouldn't mind it back, it was nice to have a blog without ads (which yes, you can pay for elsewhere however;) which …
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| These sites tend to be for people who have 'already made it', their kickstarter income largely coming from their own …
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| "496.1146 (Notes) This should be the last release of 496. Just a few little fixes and a new line numbers feature for …
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| He used uTorrent to get a hacked copy of Alchemist.
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| Its been awhile, and people probably think I'm dead. Reality is I've been messing with the HUD layout, not much just …
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| I will enter the open bracket, if only because I can't compete with or even reach the 600 mark!
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| Yeah, I wouldn't mind this as well. I find maximising the screen helps as icon size is relative to window size, but I …
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| I just realised the first update is Wargames 2. Lol.
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| This minor update gets rid of the extremely ugly blue interface. It has a few bug fixes on top. Beta E.b2: Other …
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| Good luck with your latest project, in a similar situation myself and know how hit and miss it can be.
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| I support this feature request.
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| I've moved this to feature requests as it isn't actually a bug. Your quite right, the weight of resources are clearly …
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| I have skipped over releasing some of the recent updates, not really on purpose but a mix of never finding a good time …
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| Traditionally I've allowed it, and in some cases I purposely wipe out their armies myself enough so they keep …
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| I've updated the original post with bold text for features that have been implemented. Now I know that I promised trade …
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| Nice idea! I had thought about adding Universities which would act as a 'higher' tiered building to the School and make …
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| 2 Click no longer needs to be restricted so much, some kind of indicator would also be good so "I didn't realise 2 …
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| Clicking Revolutions obviously gives a period of stagnation, new people or miss-clicks can cause an issue which is …
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| I've added a population list, resources I intend to do at a later date.
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| Whoops when I said other others I meant offer others, apologies. Falacy wrote: > Out of the 10,000 games on BYOND, how …
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| Thanks for your comments guys. I'll keep updating until people stop playing!
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Jul 28 2017, 8:56 pm