Joined: Sep 1 2002


Crippled Kermit
Mar 2 2018, 4:41 pm
A relic of Ss13
Aug 20 2012, 3:44 pm
Yo, I'm noms, noms is AZA, etc. etc. Enough proof?
Mar 15 2010, 3:35 pm
Damnit. I was really phyced about the new blue book.
Jan 8 2010, 2:37 pm
Same with the New blue book
Dark Prince X
Dec 28 2009, 9:29 pm
So is there any progress on BYONDMail, or is it just like, over?

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AZA's Games
Rome is on the brink of destruction, the nation is split into east and west. Enter Centurions and choose your allegience.
About Centurions
Game to help demonstrate medal awarding in games.
Re: About MedalLibGame
Space Station 13
Can you survive aboard Space Station 13?
Re: About Space Station 13
The Pirates and The Colonials
Swashbuckle your way to riches or work to defend his majesty's interest in the royal colonies of the Caribbean in this action-packed multiplayer online Action-RPG
About The Pirates and The Colonials
AZA's Demos
Height Demo
Shows how you can use height in your game.
About Height Demo
MedalLib Demo
A cool effect to display when medals are awarded.
About MedalLib Demo
AZA's Libraries
The updated MedalLib library. It's a simple plug'n'play library and should plug straight into your game. Added functionality to change the font and size of the award button should be added soon.
Re: About MedalLib