ATP Host

Joined: Feb 7 2010


Mar 9 2011, 1:14 pm
My server is down.
I sent an email.
I hope there is a response soon.
It's been having issues with going down a lot lately.
Mar 6 2011, 2:02 am
Spunky_Girl wrote:
This is getting ridiculous! Every morning I put up a game on my server and every morning a few hours later my server goes down. Why? I don't know. I paid on Jan. 8, 2011 and it is now March 5, 2011. I still have 3 days left until the final day of my 2 month service and in the past couple weeks, the service has been absolute crap.

Mar 5 2011, 7:21 am
This is getting ridiculous! Every morning I put up a game on my server and every morning a few hours later my server goes down. Why? I don't know. I paid on Jan. 8, 2011 and it is now March 5, 2011. I still have 3 days left until the final day of my 2 month service and in the past couple weeks, the service has been absolute crap.
Mar 3 2011, 8:52 am
Apparently this is turning into yet another "incident" like the last time. I swear if this keeps up, I will just looks elsewhere...
Feb 27 2011, 3:49 am
I ordered a server 3 or so days ago... Any idea when it'll be under my control?

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