Joined: Jan 4 2008

Soy hombre, me encanta el anime manga

Medals ADRIANDRAGON has earned

[Only favorite games] [Medals left to earn]

Naruto: New Era


You've betrayed your village! Your either one brave ninja or in for a surprise!

Earned on Sep 7 2012, 7:50 pm


How much better can you get? Your now the one of the best. Village elite.

Earned on Sep 7 2012, 7:50 pm

Village Leader

The top dog! You've finally gotten to the highest rank! Good job!

Earned on Sep 7 2012, 7:51 pm

Final Fight


Activate Sharingan for the first time!

Earned on Jul 4 2010, 4:00 pm


Ninja Rebirth : The Perfect SOLDIER

And so It Begins...

Begin a true ninja's life

Earned on Dec 25 2009, 3:57 pm


Murderer Of The Uchiha

Earned on Dec 26 2009, 8:21 pm


The Legend of Zelda: Online

Character Created!

Create a Character for your first time.

Earned on Dec 16 2009, 1:05 am