Joined: Mar 21 2010

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Nobody will fill my shoes. Especially with the legacy I have behind me.


Jun 19 2014, 7:34 am
I will be leaving Byond sometime in August to go on with my future, But thank you all for an awesome time I really enjoyed it. I guess this is the Last Chapter as they would say. But once again thank you all! -Acer
Apr 29 2012, 8:25 am
Hey, Acerola.This is Jimmy889, add my newest account ' Vexxen'.
Feb 22 2011, 9:56 am
Hey bro I'm gonna work on a remake of your game. Get me some good coders and it should be up and ready by the summer

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ACEROLA1's Games
Pokemon Black and White
This game probably will not be returning since i will be leaving this august to concentrate on my future but it was fun thank you everyone. -ACEROLA1 (Acer)
About Pokemon Black and White