
Joined: Jan 25 2010

i cool

7nico7's Favorite Games

Use a pick-ax and bombs to dig tunnels and build scaffolding to traverse the caves. Be careful, you'll never know what ...
by Aeon_nova | Feb 17 2006
Tags: action, zombies
An open-world zombie game, you decide what you want to do.
by SuperAntx | Dec 18 2009
Take part in an epic battle over a colored piece of cloth.
by Bighead278 | Sep 5 2010
A Naruto game based on the original game, Naruto: Grand Online Adventure.
by Whitewolf911 | Dec 18 2010
by SuperAntx | Sep 21 2006
Falling colored blocks!
Guns, explosives, classes and killing zombies! https://discordapp.com/invite/wsWfM9u

7nico7's Favorite People