Joined: May 18 2009


Jul 27 2012, 6:49 pm
Aug 12 2011, 5:19 am
Can You Plz Start A Server For Your Code Geass Game?
Jan 17 2011, 5:58 pm
can I be captain of zero squad in code geass online

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478975's Favorite Games

by Masqurade | May 26 2013
We are back!
by 478975 | Sep 19 2010
A multigame based of Tite Kubos Bleach and the Bountos
by 478975 | Jul 31 2010
busou renkin game,based off the anime!
by 478975 | Jun 15 2012
An interactive Japan where you can defend, or help defeat, Brittania.
by 478975 | May 27 2010
A game based on code Geass!
by MetaFrosty | Dec 22 2013
Tags: anime, horror, mystery
Who will remain when the clock hits 6AM?
by 478975 | Jul 20 2010
The first Pandora Hearts game ever to hit byond!
Version 2.0! Many new additions on the way! Soon to become an original pokemon game! It's unlike these other ...
by 478975 | Jan 10 2011
Cool Game Based on the manga!
by 478975 | Jul 2 2010
new PvP/MRPG game!
by Dramstud | Oct 1 2002
Based on a classic German board game
by 478975 | Jul 8 2010
New original Bleach game,Come see Bleach as Bleach should be!
Guns, explosives, classes and killing zombies! https://discordapp.com/invite/wsWfM9u
by 478975 | Apr 30 2010
Awesome new game

478975's Favorite People