Naruto Arrival of the Souzousha

by Zetaiva
Naruto Arrival of the Souzousha
The Continuous Legacy [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 2
Date added: Nov 13 2011
Last updated: Nov 14 2011
0 fans

Waiting List

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Welcome To the Never Ending Battle between Youth and Evil !


Owner: Zetaiva
Co owner(s): Tadahshi


1: No Spam/Abuse
2: Don't Curse
3: Don't Ask for Administrator or Enforcer.
4: Stupidity is Punishable
5: No Porn Links or Sexual Activity
Gm Rules

1: Do Not Abuse Your Powers
2: Do Not Change Names without Permission
3: Do Not Take Your Anger Out on Players
4: Don't edit anyone unless you have a reason
5: Just because you're GM. Doesn't mean you don't have to follow the player rules.

Thanks for all the comments and feedback. Have fun, enjoy the game.
