Naruto, Call Of Shinobi: Anbu Blackops

by Zerok Kaiba
Naruto, Call Of Shinobi: Anbu Blackops
War is a-foot! Heroes, Villains, Akatsuki. Choose your side in this new original Naruto Sidescroller! [More]
Latest Version
Date added: Sep 5 2011
Last updated: Sep 22 2024
3499 fans

1 Game Live!

Only Windows users can play this game. If you are using an emulator, enter the URL for the game in File | Open Location on your BYOND pager menu.

byond:// [Regular Server | Pre-Release v8.1.9]

No players.
Latest Patch
Current version of the game.

COSAB Discord
Where the community interacts and can be informed of all information on the game, as well as conatct the Owner and Staff.

COSAB Website
At the moment only the Shop is setup, but soon it'll have other functions:

COSAB Shop - where you can buy skins, bundles, and other perks coming soon.
Character Biographies - with in depth stats, details and descriptions.
Community threads - where you can talk to us about various different topics. Whether it be balance, skins, tourneys, future plans, etc.

COSAB Patreon
All money the Patreon makes goes to the game. Patreon funding goes to:

Funding Servers - so the game is always up and running.
Paying workers - to increase COSAB's pool of resources and produce better content with faster completion times.
Funding Prize Money - for COSAB tournaments and setting up an Esports scene.

Other games by Zerok Kaiba:

  • About
    • Play as 1 of 3 different sides: Heroes, Villains, Akatsuki. Only 1 side can emerge victorious!

      Fight as 1 of over 100 characters. Each with their own unique set of skills, stats, jutsu and unique traits.

      Unique styles of gameplay. Some of these include being able to run up walls. You can avoid defeat using substitution jutsu. Combine jutsu and attack or defend with teammates in order to create a strategical victory. So much variety and options!

      Watch out for treacherous side-effects! If you are poisoned, look for a medic on your team for a cure. If you are on fire, look for nearby water to put it out. Careful, some characters have devious abilities which can sabotage your abilities or bind you in your place. Stay on alert at all times. Test your skills as a true shinobi!


    1. Listen to, obey and respect moderators and admins at all times.

    2. Sometimes a character might be temporarily banned due to bugs or in need of nerf. Do not use those characters.

    3. We're usually lenient with chat spam and trolling. However, don't go overboard with it. Also, no inappropriate language such as racism, etc.

    4. Sometimes you might accidentally kill your own team. But do this on purpose and there will be consequences.

    5. No posting inappropriate links. Keep the chat clean.

    6. It's ok to mention you have your own game. However, when you continuously advertise it, other players get annoyed. It will be counted as spam and failure to listen to moderators will result in the matter being dealt with.

  • Not following these rules may resolve in being temporarily banned. Repetitive bans will increase in length/time.


BlackOblivion: (May 25 2023, 4:34 pm)
BlackOblivion wrote:
Game is full of trash runners who only fight you on their terms. Impossible to chase most characters like Bijuus if your run speed is bad. Poorly balanced which some characters having hi damage spammable moves and stupid easy combos while others just aren't relevant. Gameplay is boring. Unless you're using a fast character or overpowered AOEs running has no counter. 2/10 game.

BlackOblivion: (May 25 2023, 4:34 pm)
Game is full of trash runners who only fight you on their terms. Impossible to chase most characters like Bijuus if your run speed is bad. Poorly balanced which some characters having hi damage spammable moves and stupid easy combos while others just aren't relevant. Gameplay is boring. Unless you're using a fast character or overpowered AOEs running has no counter. 2/10 game.
EvilShade: (May 18 2023, 8:01 pm)
Dog shit of a game plagued by horribly balancing and shit players abusing broken character mechanics and unlocks. A horrible attempt at a 2D Naruto fighting game and considering only the same people have been playing it for 2 years makes sense. New players get yelled out for being new and there's no indication on how certain attacks work or AOEs. Game says "This attack hits 2 tiles" But has no visual range on how far that attack actually hits. Some characters can tank while doing a shit ton of damage while other characters have shit damage, can't even 1vs1 and die extremely fast. The only people who think this game is fun or there's any type of skill involved into it are the ones abusing the same characters every single round. Game is shit, balance is shit the mods are shit, they can't even help when you're stuck in walls and there's a constant banlist of attacks that can't be used which most of the time is what makes a certain character good or not, takes forever for those attacks to get fixed.
NakaUchiha122: (Jan 21 2023, 3:06 pm)
Just got done shitting still servers not up WTF are u doing owner get ur fucking act together and do ur job right