Bleach, Gears Of Shinigami: A Hollow's Judgement

by Zerok Kaiba
Bleach, Gears Of Shinigami: A Hollow's Judgement
Fight as your favourite characters in this new Bleach Sidescroller! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Aug 19 2013
Last updated: Feb 5 2014
Last played: Dec 30 2015
93 fans

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Other games by Zerok Kaiba:


  • About
    • Play as 1 of 2 different sides: Heroes and Villains. Only 1 side can emerge victorious!

      Fight as 1 of currently 6 characters. Each with their own unique set of skills, stats and unique traits.

      Unique styles of gameplay. Some of these include shunpo/sonido, where you double click somewhere and instantly teleport there. Combine attacks to utilize combo finishers. Attack or defend with teammates in order to create a strategical victory. So much variety and options!


    1. Listen to and obey moderators and admins at all times.

    2. Sometimes a character might be temporarily banned due to bugs or in need of nerf. Do not use those characters.

    3. We're usually lenient with chat spam and trolling. However, don't go overboard with it. Also, no inappropriate language such as racism, etc.

    4. Sometimes you might accidentally kill your own team. But do this on purpose and there will be consequences.

    5. No posting inappropriate links. Keep the chat clean.

    6. It's ok to mention you have your own game. However, when you continuously advertise it, other players get annoyed. It will be counted as spam and failure to listen to moderators will result in the matter being dealt with.

  • Not following these rules may resolve in being temporarily banned. Repetitive bans will increase in length/time.



Narutogokuichigo4: (Mar 31 2014, 2:51 pm)
I might host at random
Doniu: (Nov 9 2013, 1:00 pm)
Zerok.. could u enable bug report/Sugeestion forum?
And do u gonna work on this game in future?
ClaryFairchild: (Oct 22 2013, 4:57 am)
I certainly would host this, But does Zerok know you have to be a premium user of Speedy to download this file? :O.
Andrewonly: (Sep 22 2013, 10:59 am)
This game rocks :D
Jorra-D: (Sep 18 2013, 11:35 pm)
When the man himself tels me to start iconing i'l just drop a load of icons that i already icond on him ^^