Stick World 2

by Zaole
Stick World 2
An action-based RPG... with sticks! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Zaole.StickWorld2##version=38

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Version Alpha 0.22
Date added: Mar 27 2009
Last updated: Jun 6 2009
Last played: Oct 11 2022
95 fans

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Note: the game is currently in alpha. Expect savefile wipes.

Play as one of several classes as you battle evil across a diverse multitude of bright, cheery environments.

Although it is an RPG, this game leans heavily towards action; you'll find yourself forced to dodge enemy projectiles and use a large array of abilities to outwit your opponents, as well as combining the varied powers of other players' classes in order to take down bosses.

Current features:

  • Three classes to choose from (warrior, archer, or mage) all with unique abilities
  • Easy to use hotkey system so you can swiftly use your favorite spells
  • Party system allowing you to group up with your buddies and share experience earned between kills
  • Enemy AI that will react to your actions based on that enemy's style of fighting; casters will stay in the back and heal other enemies, while archers will dodge around as they shoot
  • Equipment visible when worn- watch your stick grow in power as he becomes decked out in various new weapons of mass destruction
  • A seamless, easy to use housing system
  • The first of several professions: fishing!

  • Programmer: Zaole
    Icon Artist: Sawrock

Recent Medals

Not So Peachy

Earned by The Cheat8
Oct 18 2022, 12:01 am

Scavenging Sleuth

Earned by Erisu
Oct 11 2022, 8:49 pm


Umayjustdie: (Sep 23 2011, 12:25 am)
mind if i have the source code? I want to create a mod off this as in items and maps (yay) and all that.
Ultrabass: (Apr 1 2011, 1:19 pm)
I am hosting the game, any1 have a hint of laboratory?
Zero the darkrai: (Mar 29 2011, 1:11 pm)
I'm going to host for now on Anyone is welcome to join
Blood90: (Dec 8 2010, 5:03 am)
can anyone here host this game for the public i really wanna test it out with other players to see the pvp and stuff oh and btw is it should be that you dont die even with 0 HP?
Blood90: (Dec 8 2010, 5:02 am)
btw guys is there any other boss after the one in the robots building?