Auto Turf Coder 3

by Zaltron
An easy way to program in your turfs visually. [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Zaltron.AutoTurfCoder3##version=3

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Version 3.02
Date added: Mar 20 2008
Last updated: Mar 23 2008
19 fans

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Version 3.02:
- Bug Fix(Hardik): "'" wasn't being added after the icon file.
- Bug Fix(Hardik): /icon_state wouldn't indent when density or opacity was set to true.
- Update(Hardik): New skin colors.

Version 3.01:
- Update: Stopped using winget before saving and changing pages.

No map control on the interface unlike ATC2.


Zaltron: (Jun 5 2012, 10:48 pm)
There are a lot of good ones here: I would look at all of them and mess around with the code till you understand what it does.
Talin Blood Driver: (Jun 4 2012, 9:27 am)
kk Thanks and would u happen to know any good demos/libraries
to start with ??
Zaltron: (Jun 4 2012, 9:25 am)
Talin Blood Driver wrote:
So just as a question' Is there a way that u can think of, that i can learn to code with out the blue book, cuss it confuses me'.

The way I learned is by looking at demos/libraries people have made and tweaking them to see how they worked. I then tried to make my own version of the same demo/library. If you use my approach don't start with hard projects. Work your way up from the small ones.

' Do u have any idea how to create a suitable Interface?'.

It all depends on how creative you can be.
Talin Blood Driver: (Jun 4 2012, 9:21 am)
Man i Love this Tool Mostly cuss i have a hard time Coding.
Iconning comes easy to me but when i try and code it fall's apart. So just as a question' Is there a way that u can think of, that i can learn to code with out the blue book, cuss it confuses me'. And ' Do u have any idea how to create a suitable Interface?'.
Iocamus: (Feb 18 2011, 4:32 am)
Amazing tool! Could be very usefull to nonprogrammers or Pixel Artists.