
by Yut Put
Explore epic dungeons and slay epic foes with your friends in a huge, epic fantasy action RPG world. [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://YutPut.Epic##version=38

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 1.05
Date added: Jan 25 2012
Last updated: Apr 9 2018
Last played: Jun 1 2014
296 fans

Waiting List

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Come at me, bro.

This game is open source. To download the source files, click here. Mods can not be hosted on the hub without a hub password, which can be received by paging Yut Put with a download link to your mod and an explanation of why it should have permission to appear live on the hub.

Enter the world of Epic, and experience an amazing adventure spanning a huge world filled with vast deserts, dark space stations, lush forests, and even Rabbit Temples.

Epic is a constantly growing game which has received wide applause for being an excellent blend of Zelda's action adventure game-play, Skyrim's RPG elements, and optional online 4-player Co-Op.

0.9 is available. Will you finally destroy the Chaos God, or will he just lead you down another path? Find out if you confront him in the new town of Clockwerk!

Go ahead and check it out!

- If you are hosting the game, you may go into your BYOND folder -> MyHub -> yutput -> epic -> baby rpg and configure your world's settings(server name, status, reboot delay)
-Music by Kevin MaCleod



R0nny: (Aug 31 2014, 6:23 pm)
Why, are all of the downloads are messed up for you Yut? First, I tried Epic: Legend. Then, I tried Epic, none of the downloads worked, mind fixing it?
CliffracerX: (May 11 2014, 5:28 pm)
Indeed, it's a miracle Byond didn't get sued into oblivion by all the people that make the anime games.
Yut Put: (May 11 2014, 5:26 pm)
i'd be more worried about the myriad of legal issues you can find in the "anime" tag
CliffracerX: (May 11 2014, 5:18 pm)
That's good that he IS in the credits, I was kind of worried.
Yut Put: (May 11 2014, 5:16 pm)
CliffracerX wrote:
Different MacLeod, music creator.

If there isn't credit anywhere, or Yut Put didn't get the commercial license that allows you to use his music without credit, then this breaks Kevin MacLeod's license and Yut Put could get sued.

lol i'm not getting sued for a f2p BYOND game and i did mention him in the game's credits