
by Yukay Karyuu
A semi-sandbox, and strict-roleplay game. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Jan 12 2010
Last updated: Feb 25 2020
Last played: May 19 2018
245 fans

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Introducing a new roleplay game bringing you fair & satisfying gameplay along with never-ending activities and a whole bunch of whoopla. Create in the new world of a new era and become anything you want!
You can become a crazy psycho scientist who rules the entire universe, a crazed ape with a lust for greed, or a demonic spirit plotting against an eternal take over of the world. All of what was not possible in other roleplay games, is possible here.

The Yoker - Map Development
Gentlemin - Map Development
Spirit Punch - Graphics

Recent Medals

New Born

Earned by NejiUzumaki23
Sep 7 2010, 6:13 am

New Born

Earned by Byakuya_uchiha32
May 21 2010, 4:18 pm


F yourself: (Aug 11 2017, 6:45 pm)
The value of a true owner is the sum of his parts. You've earned a fan in my books sir~ if you can manage to atleast listen to your player base, you'll become a much better owner than a lot of the people I see.
Yukay Karyuu: (Aug 11 2017, 6:41 pm)
F yourself wrote:
And it's glorious, you can have any opinion you want, and you will be listened to, and not be told that your idea sucks dick because it wasn't in Lien's DBG.

But this, this I can guarantee.
Yukay Karyuu: (Aug 11 2017, 6:39 pm)
F yourself wrote:
Wait wait, The Ball Z where I can post on the forums and not be called some kind of hoodrat and having my post editing to suck dick of a creator. Noice.

Can't guarantee that, I myself enjoy virtual fellatio :)
F yourself: (Aug 11 2017, 6:38 pm)
And it's glorious, you can have any opinion you want, and you will be listened to, and not be told that your idea sucks dick because it wasn't in Lien's DBG.
F yourself: (Aug 11 2017, 6:34 pm)
Wait wait, The Ball Z where I can post on the forums and not be called some kind of hoodrat and having my post editing to suck dick of a creator. Noice.