Duel Monsters Revolution

by XxBloody NightmarexX
A Auto Dueling System Game Based Off The Anime Series Yu-Gi-Oh-- [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version Final
Date added: Dec 19 2008
Last updated: Aug 3 2009
Last played: Aug 3 2009
83 fans

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*Auto Dueling System
*Hosted on a EveryDay to Day Bassis
*Small Helpful Community
*Owner Support
*24/7 Help
*Over 260 Cards
*A Large map where you can arena duel or Duel Disk Duel!
*Ranking System Based Upon Starchips.
*Fixed Trade!

Game Is Orignally Called Duel Monsters Supremacy I Helped in it as you can see on their HUB owner Quit so now i have Full Rights To Continue on its Legacy 65% goes to him and child prodigy ...R.I.P DMS

This is a Auto Dueling System Game:Based From the Anime Series Yugioh By:Shonen Jumps

Contact Info:


Programmer - XxBloody Nightmare

Everything else - XPenguin VenomX

Some Junk- Forgotten Skittles

I do not claim Yu-Gi-Oh as my game it Belongs To Konami

Recent Medals

Begginer Duelist

Earned by KNL
Jun 16 2009, 4:36 am

Powers Within

Earned by KNL
Jun 16 2009, 4:36 am


DeathGunx: (Jul 17 2015, 2:56 pm)
Can we have the download link so we can host the game plz ?
BleachNinja: (Jun 7 2009, 11:35 am)
Im a GFX Artist :D!
XxBloody NightmarexX: (May 28 2009, 10:48 am)
Hey, we are currently in need of a gfx artist.
Wheeler_Joey2000: (May 18 2009, 3:55 pm)
This is better than DMO, but DMO has a few newer cards...
Wheeler_Joey2000: (May 18 2009, 3:54 pm)
This is better than DMO, but DMO has a few newer cards...