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Othello |
"A minute to learn, a lifetime to master." Recreation of the great classic. [More] |
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:
DreamDownload byond://Xioden.Othello##version=4 Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:byond://Xioden.Othello##version=4 |
Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. Play against other players or the AI and try to place your pieces to capture your opponents. Pieces are captured by placing your piece so that the opponents are surrounded by yours in a straight line... XOOO, you place a piece to the right, XOOOX, You end up with XXXXX. This applies to Up, down, left, right, and diagonals, so try to find the best move and plan ahead so you don't give your opponent an opening!
Version 2.2 - Fixed score submission after first game won. Version 2.1 - UI improved. No more verbs, everything is in statpanel or on the board itself. - AI thinking is no longer visible as piece placement on screen - AI will no longer lock up it has to pass a turn. - Scores and Medals will submit properly for players playing as white. Version 2.0 - AI has been added. - Ranking enabled: Your total wins and best win will record in the standings tab. - Medals enabled: 3 Victory medals based on victory %, and a couple of hidden medals. - Graphics updated slightly. - Fixed game sometimes completing while there are still moves to be made. - Fixed game not finishing properly if white made the final move. Future updates - Proper "Invalid Move" icon - Various AI difficulties - Byond 4.0 interface Known issues - It may be possible to trigger a loss of your turn and allow the opponent to go twice (more info needed). |
ACWraith: (Apr 15 2010, 1:09 pm)
Not that it's a huge deal, but why is the Name field listed twice in the scores?
IainPeregrine: (Oct 29 2009, 3:59 pm)
Thanks for fixing the score issue!
Ganing: (Oct 29 2009, 3:58 pm)
Game is fun though to pass some time.
IainPeregrine: (Aug 31 2009, 9:40 am)
Edit: This problem has been fixed. Thanks!
The game only reports your score to the hub the very first time you win, meaning that you are stuck with your first score. (Hope you got that medal the first time!) |
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