New Era: Worst Generation

by Xalexx16
Beta || Project back live! [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Xalexx16.NewEraWorstGeneration##version=0

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Version 0.72
Date added: May 10 2018
Last updated: Mar 17 2024
Last played: Mar 23 2024
64 fans

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We are back!! After a long time ill try to be back on the project, with many ideas but little time to work on it, lost files for long time and i finally recovered them :(.

Update soon!!

-New version up 0.72!
Check Changelog and guide for more info!

New version up 0.67!
Wellcome to this awesome adventure game!!

New update game includes:
-Group exp & gold share(with xp bonus for more players in group).
-Devil Fruit system(need to be remaked and updated but works fine).
-Equipment system(boost usr powers)
-Leveling system till 16-20 working without any buggs.
-Skills system with the basic skills(you will learn more on advancing).
-Automatic rank and title system.
-Looting system(you can loot players and some enemies).

-Become the strongest on this enormous world, find the biggest treasures and become the king.

First of all credits to:

Start your story as a human, fisherman, cyborg or angel(comming soon...), dominate the seas make deals with the devil, get his fruits and discover awesome powers.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Till v1.0 the game will be on beta so, please all suggestions, buggs post on comments, help us to improve for a better gameplay! More info soon...

Recent Medals

Devil Fruit User!

Earned by Bielbr12312332
Mar 23 2024, 4:25 pm

Devil Fruit User!

Earned by Xalexx16
Mar 23 2024, 4:18 pm


Xalexx16: (Jan 15 2019, 4:39 am)
Working back on this project.
Xalexx16: (Jun 12 2018, 3:43 am)