Mystic Journey: Dark Future

by X-Warrior 666
Read inside before you judge.. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Aug 7 2009
Last updated: Aug 8 2009
0 fans

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Now, some of you may have noticed, that the old Mystic Journey HUB has disappeared and that unofficial ones are popping up all over the place. There is a reason for this: Gunbuddy13 removed the original HUB due to "Problems," he was having with the illegal servers and people taking money for his work.

Now, you're probably wondering why I'm putting up my own HUB when I'm aware of this. I'm just putting this up for kicks and grins, I have absolutely no intentions of ever making a profit from GUNBUDDY's Mystic Journey. I call it such since he ORIGINALLY created it. I'm just going to put this up every now and then mainly because I'm a big fan of Mystic Journey.