Lost Legends

by Woo
Lost Legends
Group with fellow adventurers in a cheery classic RPG world, as a valiant monster living your own legend. [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Woo.LostLegends##version=7

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Version 1.7
Date added: Aug 20 2003
Last updated: May 16 2022
Last played: Oct 14 2015
86 fans

[Extras] [Bonus features]

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Version 1.7 Released: This is a bug-fix and an upgrade to many aspects of general gameplay. Items can now be equipped or used out of battle with a simple left click. Ability descriptions are more informative.
Composer Dan Gardner has joined our Legends-building team and given us five new tunes, all of which are masterpieces.
See the forum for more details about the bug fixes and new features.
--McKathlin, 29 Mar. 2006

Version 1.6 Released: Well its been awhile since the last update, so I can't remember how many of the features are new to this update. A few I know for sure are:
* who command to see who is in the world
* 1+1/2 new dungeons (if you can find them)
* fixed some spelling mistakes
This isn't a very big expansion, but I thought I'd go ahead and release what I have.

Long ago, the evil Darklord destroyed the human civilizations with his horde of monsters. But now, some of the monsters have left him and follow the ways of the Light. As a young monster, adventurer, and hero of this world, seek the Lost Legends and their wisdom as you join the force battling for good!

Group Battles
Flexible Abilities System
Easy Click Gameplay
Many Dungeons
Numerous Different Enemies
Developed Environment

Visit www.tyruswoo.com to check out my other work in game design!

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